Class 6 | Geography | Chapter 3 - Waterbodies | Questions and Answers
A. Answer the questions given by choosing the most appropriate alternative.
1. The huge waterbodies on the surface of the Earth are called _________.
a) oceans
b) continents
c) tectonic plates
d) tsunamis
Answer : a) oceans
2. __________ is the largest and deepest ocean in the world.
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Arctic Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Pacific Ocean
Answer: d) Pacific Ocean
3. The circular chain of ___________ is known as the 'Pacific Ring of Fire'.
a) sleeping volcanoes
b) fault lines
c) active volcanoes
d) mountains
Answer: c) active volcanoes
4. Lake ________ is a large, deep lake in the Andes Mountains.
a) Baikal
b) Omega
c) Superior
d) Titicaca
Answer: d) Titicaca
5. A______ is an inlet of an ocean or a sea deep into the land with a narrow mouth.
a) bay
b) gulf
c) strait
d) delta
Answer: b) gulf
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. __________is only ocean in the world which is named after a country.
Answer: Indian Ocean
2. The five Great lakes are located in the continent of ______.
Answer: North America
3. A ________ is a curved identification of a sea or a lake into the land with a wide opening.
Answer: Bay
4. ____________, the deepest point on the earth's surface, is located in the Marian Trench.
Answer: Challenger Deep
5. International Hydrographic Organisation listed___________Ocean as major oean.
Answer: Southern
C. Name the following:
1. the shallowest ocean ➡ Arctic Ocean
2. the lake which is largest home of migratory birds ➡ Chilika Lake
3. world's longest river ➡ Nile River
4. the warmest ocean ➡ Indian Ocean
2. the largest and the deepest lake in the world ➡ Lake Baikal
D. Differentiate Between:
1. Ocean and Sea (Click here for Answer)
2. River and Lake (Click here for Answer)
3. Upper Course and Lower Course (Click here for Answer)
3. Gulf and Bay (Click here for Answer)
E. Answer the following questions in about 20-30 words.
1. Which are the major waterbodies on Earth? (Click here for Answer)
2. What are oceans? Name the five major oceans. (Click here for Answer)
3. What are seas? Name some important seas. (Click here for Answer)
4. What are rivers? Name some important rivers of Asia. (Click here for Answer)
5. Why can’t we use sea water for drinking? (Click here for Answer)
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